Completing our inquiry form helps us respond swiftly and accurately, knowing precisely what you're seeking. Have a question about Biohacking, my massage services or prefer a direct line of communication?
Email me at [email protected]
Expect a response within 48 hours, Monday through Friday.
We love messages about...
On speaking opportunities — podcast interviews, and speaking gigs are my jam!
On health matters - have a question and don't know where to start? Send me a message!
On massage services - don't know which service is best for you? I can help you figure that out!
What kind of results can I expect from working with you?
Can genetic testing provide insights into other wellness practices like nutrition and exercise?
Why should I use "Phototherapy Patches" as part of bio-hacking my health?
If technology isn't your thing, and you'd rather connect with me directly, you can schedule a CALL here.
Choose a time that works for your schedule and I will call you at the scheduled time.
If technology isn't your thing, and you'd rather connect with me directly, you can schedule a CALL here.
Choose a time that works for your schedule and I will call you at the scheduled time.
I am open and receptive to all the healing energies in the universe. I know that every cell in my body is intelligent and knows how to heal itself. My body is always working toward perfect health. I now release any and all impediments to my perfect healing.
~ Healing Prayer by Louise Hay
Understanding your unique genetic makeup is a powerful tool and eliminates both the guesswork and trial and error time.
custom plan based on your results, ensuring that your wellness plan is as unique as you are.